The food at Ristorante Beatrice is a reflection of freshness, flavour, simplicity and heritage. Each and every dish on our ever-evolving menu is crafted with care, using seasonal and artisanal ingredients cultivated in Quebec. With an approachable outlook on innovative fine cuisine, Beatrice offers classic Italian cooking with a refined spin.
- Gli Antipasti
Pieuvre grillée, hummus de pois verts, salad de panzanella
tempura di gamberi
Crevette tempura, aïoli épice
Burrata, pesto à la menthe, tomates héritage, croûtons, olives Marocaines
carciofi e funghetti
Artichauts, champignons, salsa de tomates confites, Parmesan
poolpette di vitello arrabbiata
Boulettes de veau arrabbiata
- I Primi Piatti
Homard confit, tomates concassées, bisque
Crevettes sauvages d’Argentine, palourdes, calmar, Martini blanc, safran
Sauce tomate, crème, Fior di latte, basilic
- Gli Antipasti 2
costolette d’agnello
Côtelettes d’agneau marinées classiques
insalata di cavolo
Chou frisé toscane, vinaigrette au citron, betteraves, croûtons
insalata alla cesare
Petite laitue sucrine, croûtons de brie, prosciutto croustillant, vinaigrette aux câpres et citron, Parmesan
tartare di salmone
Tartare de saumon épicé, émulsion de tobiko, coriandre
- I Primi Piatti 2
Tortelloni avec bajoues de veau braisées, sauce aux champignons sauvages
Champignons, tomates confites, roquette, huile de truffe
Rigatoncini, quatre fromages, truffe, émietté de brioche
Our menu offers modern dishes, inspired by historic Italian gastronomy. The A la Carte menu is available throughout lunch and dinner with an additional set lunch menu offered Monday to Friday excluding Public holidays.
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cannoli siciliani
Cannoli sicilien traditionnel
budino di nocciola con gelato a la vaniglia
Pain perdu fondant aux noisettes, crème glacée à la vanille
Crème au mascarpone, doights de dame, sirop à l’espresso, brandy, Kahlua
gelato caramello salata e popcorn caramello
Gâteau glacé au caramel de beurre salé, popcorn au caramel
Trois saveurs
crème glacée
Trois saveurs
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Our menu offers modern dishes, inspired by historic Italian gastronomy. The A la Carte menu is available throughout lunch and dinner with an additional set lunch menu offered Monday to Friday excluding Public holidays.
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cannoli siciliani
Cannoli sicilien traditionnel
budino di nocciola con gelato a la vaniglia
Pain perdu fondant aux noisettes, crème glacée à la vanille
Crème au mascarpone, doights de dame, sirop à l’espresso, brandy, Kahlua
gelato caramello salata e popcorn caramello
Gâteau glacé au caramel de beurre salé, popcorn au caramel
Trois saveurs
crème glacée
Trois saveurs
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Our menu offers modern dishes, inspired by historic Italian gastronomy. The A la Carte menu is available throughout lunch and dinner with an additional set lunch menu offered Monday to Friday excluding Public holidays.
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cannoli siciliani
Cannoli sicilien traditionnel
budino di nocciola con gelato a la vaniglia
Pain perdu fondant aux noisettes, crème glacée à la vanille
Crème au mascarpone, doights de dame, sirop à l’espresso, brandy, Kahlua
gelato caramello salata e popcorn caramello
Gâteau glacé au caramel de beurre salé, popcorn au caramel
Trois saveurs
crème glacée
Trois saveurs
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* Menu items and prices are subject to change without notice and are displayed for informational purposes only.